Sunday, March 14, 2010



        Amateur's Chicken Head
        Amateur's Chicken Costume
        Amateur's Chicken Gloves
        Amateur's Chicken Shoes
      Set Bonuses:
        [2 Items]
        Physical Defense +5%
        Magical Defense +5%
        [Full Set]
        Physical Attack +5%
        Magical Attack +5%

    Kobold Costume Set
        Kobold Costume Mask
        Kobold Costume Body
        Kobold Costume Gloves
        Kobold Costume Shoes
      Set Bonuses:
        [2 Items]
        HP +10%
        [3 Items]
        MP +10%
        [Full Set]
        Movement Speed +10%

    Lizardman Costume Set
        Lizardman Costume Mask
        Lizardman Costume Body
        Lizardman Costume Gloves
        Lizardman Costume Shoes
      Set Bonuses:
        [2 Items]
        HP +10%
        [3 Items]
        MP +10%
        [Full Set]
        Movement Speed +10%

    Marine Boy
        [VIP]Pirate's Cloak(30days)
        DEX +2
        VIT +2

        Purchased from Fishing Manager

        [VIP]Pirate's Eye Band(30days)
        HP +100
        MP +50

        Purchased from Fishing Manager

        [VIP]Prince of the Ocean Marine Boy
        INT +3
        WIS +2

        Fishing: Gold Carp

        [VIP]Captain's Uniform
        STR +2
        VIT +3

        Fishing: Terrapin

        [VIP]Marine Guy's Glove
        STR +3
        Fishing: Shining Garbage

        [VIP]Marine Guy's Long Boots
        DEX +3
        Fishing: Shining Garbage
      Set Bonuses:
        [2 Items]
        WIS +3
        INT +2
        Movement Speed +119
        [3 Items]
        MP +350
        Skill: [Tranfer Mana] +1
        [Full Set]
        Physical Attack +5%
        Magical Attack +5%

IM costume Set
Cook of Ocean
        Gourment Chef's Hat
        INT +5

        Gourment Chef's Apron
        HP +700

        Gourment Chef's Gloves
        MP +215

        Gourment Chef's Shoes
        VIT +2

        Massive Cleaver (Wing/Cape Slot)
        WIS +3
      Set Bonuses:
        [4 Items]
        Magic Attack +2%
        HP Recovery +3
        MP Recovery +3
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Evasion +2
        Move Speed +138

    Fireman of Passion
        Fireman's Helmet
        MP +350

        Fireman's Jacket
        HP +500

        Fireman's Glove
        STR +5

        Fireman's Shoes
        DEX +2

        Fire Extinguisher (Wing/Cape Slot)
        VIT +3
      Set Bonuses:
        [4 Items]
        Critical Damage +5%
        Physical Defense +3%
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Accuracy +2
        Move Speed +138

    China Dream
        Traditional Chi Pao Hat
        INT +5

        Traditional Chi Pao Robe
        HP +700

        Traditional Chi Pao Gloves
        MP +150

        Traditional Chi Pao Boots
        VIT +2

        Juniper's Debt fan (Wing/Cape Slot)
        WIS +3
      Set Bonuses:
        [4 Items]
        Magic Attack +2%
        HP Recovery +3
        MP Recovery +3
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Evasion +2
        Move Speed +138

    Aura of Japanese Amulet
        MP +350

        HP +500

        [Shinigami]Zouri(Straw Sandals)
        INT +5

        [Shinigami]Zanpakuto Sword (Wing/Cape Slot)
        VIT +2
      Set Bonuses:
        Critical Damage +5%
        Physical Defense +3%
        Move Speed +138

    Angel of Bright Future
        Medic's Cap
        INT +5

        Medic's Coat
        HP +700

        Medic's Gloves
        MP +150

        Medic's Shoes
        VIT +3

        Emergency First Aid Kit (Wing/Cape Slot)
        WIS +3
        [4 Items]
        Magic Attack +2%
        HP Recovery +3
        MP Recovery +3
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Evasion +2
        Move Speed +138

    Noir Fashion
        Chibi Goth Fedora / Bonnet
        MP +350

        Chibi Goth Suit / Dress
        HP +500

        Chibi Goth Gloves
        STR +5

        Chibi Goth Boots / Pumps
        DEX +2

        Mr. SnugglyWuggly Bunny (Wing/Cape Slot)
        VIT +3
      Set Bonuses:
        [4 Items]
        Critical Damage +5%
        Physical Defense +3%
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Accuracy +2
        Move Speed +138

    Angel of Bright Future (Different Set)
        The Power of Unspoken Names
        INT +5

        The Blessing of Unspoken Names
        HP +700

        The Promise of Unspoken Names
        MP +150

        The Glory of Unspoken Names
        VIT +2

        A Token of Faith (Wing/Cape Slot)
        WIS +3
        [4 Items]
        Magic Attack +2%
        HP Recovery +3
        MP Recovery +3
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Evasion +2
        Move Speed +138

    Luna is Unstoppable (This is on the kindergarden school uniform set XD.)
        School Time Safety Hat
        MP +350

        School Time Safety Coat
        HP +500

        School Time Safety Bracelets
        STR +5

        School Time Safety Shoes
        DEX +2

        School Time Safety Bag (Wing/Cape Slot)
        VIT +3
      Set Bonuses:
        [4 Items]
        Critical Damage +5%
        Physical Defense +3%
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Accuracy +2
        Move Speed +138

        Cynical White Rabbit
        INT +5

        White Rabbit in Suit
        HP +700

        Fat and Shaggy Rabbit's Foot
        MP +150

        Warm Rabbit's Foot
        VIT +2

        Carrot (Wing/Cape Slot)
        WIS +3
        [4 Items]
        Magic Attack +2%
        HP Recovery +3
        MP Recovery +3
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Evasion +2
        Move Speed +138

    Successor of Morpheous
        Twinkling Pajamas Cap
        MP +350

        Twinkling Pajamas Top
        HP +500

        Chicka Chicka Three Times a Day
        STR +5

        Kitty of Bright Smile
        DEX +2

        Sweet and Sour Candy Pillow (Wing/Cape Slot)
        VIT +3
      Set Bonuses:
        [4 Items]
        Critical Damage +5%
        Physical Defense +3%
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Accuracy +2
        Move Speed +138

    The Arabian Nights
        Arabian Knight (Head)
        INT +5

        Arabian Nights (Suit)
        HP +700

        Arabian Nights (Ring)
        MP +150

        Arabian Nights (Shoes)
        VIT +2

        The Royal Treasure (Wing/Cape Slot)
        WIS +3
        [4 Items]
        Magic Attack +2%
        HP Recovery +3
        MP Recovery +3
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Evasion +2
        Move Speed +138

    Mitakuye Oyasin
        [Indian] Hat
        MP +350

        [Indian] Suit
        HP +500

        [Indian] Symbol of Witchcraft
        STR +5

        [Indian] Shoes
        DEX +2

        Festive Rhythm (Wing/Cape Slot)
        VIT +3
      Set Bonuses:
        [4 Items]
        Critical Damage +5%
        Physical Defense +3%
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Accuracy +2
        Move Speed +138

    Western Era
        Outlaws of the Wilderness (hat)
        INT +5

        Outlaws of the Wilderness (suit)
        HP +700

        Outlaws of the Wilderness (gloves)
        MP +150

        Outlaws of the Wilderness (shoes)
        VIT +2

        A Symbol of Pisuiteer (Wing/Cape Slot)
        WIS +3
        [4 Items]
        Magic Attack +2%
        HP Recovery +3
        MP Recovery +3
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Evasion +2
        Move Speed +138

    Berserk Angel
        [Racing Instincts] Helmet
        MP +350

        [Racing Instincts] Suit
        HP +500

        [Racing Instincts] Gloves
        STR +5

        [Racing Instincts] Shoes
        DEX +2

        Reader's AdSense (Wing/Cape Slot)
        VIT +3
      Set Bonuses:
        [4 Items]
        Critical Damage +5%
        Physical Defense +3%
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Accuracy +2
        Move Speed +138

    Time Walker
        Heroes of Luna (Head)
        INT +5

        Heroes of Luna (Armor)
        HP +700

        Heroes of Luna (Gloves)
        MP +150

        Heroes of Luna (Shoes)
        VIT +2

        Heroes of Luna (Token) (Wing/Cape Slot)
        WIS +3
        [4 Items]
        Magic Attack +2%
        HP Recovery +3
        MP Recovery +3
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Evasion +2
        Move Speed +138

    Alker Merchant Union
        Stalls of the Rebellion Armor (The Head)
        MP +350

        Stalls of the Rebellion Armor (Armor)
        HP +500

        Stalls of the Rebellion Armor (Gloves)
        STR +5

        Stalls of the Rebellion Armor (Shoes)
        DEX +2

        Stalls of the Rebellion Armor (Token) (Wing/Cape Slot)
        VIT +3
      Set Bonuses:
        [4 Items]
        Critical Damage +5%
        Physical Defense +3%
        Move Speed +53
        [Full Set]
        Accuracy +2
        Move Speed +138

    Costume Ability
      These costumes are, I believe, obtained from random boxes. They come in various timed varieties, and comprise assorted pieces of various set costumes, scattered cash shop costumes, event costumes, and even a few unique ones that are found nowhere else. Gloves from these costume sets always comes with Critical Rate +50 or Evasion +5, while boots will come with Move Speed +50. Note that all of these different costumes are counted as being in the same set, so mixing and matching results in the same effect as wearing the all of the same costume set.
        Costume (Head)
        Costume (Suit)
        Costume (Gloves)
        Critical Rate +50 -or- Evasion +5
        Costume (Shoes)
        Move Speed +50[/i]
      Set Bonuses:
        [2 Items]
        HP +10%
        MP +10%
        [4 Items]
        Physical Attack +5%
        Magic Attack +5%

    Rare Costume Ability
      These costumes are the rare drops - the cream of the crop - from the boxes. These items have both evade and critical on the gloves (and more evasion to boot), and if you can collect enough of the pieces, gives improved set bonuses. The two sets here can be mixed and matched without affecting the set bonuses, although they are NOT in the

      same set as the non-rare costumes.
        Street Fighter (Hair)
        Street Fighter (Armor)
        Street Fighter (Gloves)
        Critical Rate +50
        Evasion +5

        Street Fighter (Shoes)
        Move Speed +50[/i]
        Setting Sun, Rising Moon (Hair)
        Setting Sun, Rising Moon (Armor)
        Setting Sun, Rising Moon (Gloves)
        Critical Rate +50
        Evasion +5

        Setting Sun, Rising Moon (Shoes)
        Move Speed +50[/i]
      Set Bonuses:
        [2 Items]
        HP +10%
        MP +10%
        STR +5
        DEX +5
        VIT +5
        INT +5
        WIS +5
        [3 Items]
        STR +5
        DEX +5
        VIT +5
        INT +5
        WIS +5
        [4 Items]
        Physical Attack +10%
        Magic Attack +10%
        Movement Speed +10%

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